Hi, I'm Jaroisin. I am so happy to share some of my journey with you.

Certified yoga and sound therapist, founder of LoveOrganic.ie, but above all wife of an amazing man and mOM of one miracle.


My soul has an inclination to yoga & sound and I have been physically alligned by them since 2004. During all this time, I have been lucky to share my journey with teachers who accompany me, add colour to what I do, make me stand out, allow me to share and look at their scenarios, but at the same time grind me into awareness of the fact that I have to be a director myself.

My family, my friends, every student I meet, and, speaking about the yoga field, The Mohans, Donna Farhi, Lisa Petersen, Katy Bowman, Guruji Omanand, Susi Hately, Jack Kornfield, Ciara Cronin, Holly Husler have had the deepest imprint on me in many aspects, as well as everyone I attract with the consciousness of what I (don't) want to be.


Yoga (& Sound) resonates with me, it teaches me to live every moment of love with love, to be authentic, pure and it brings discipline and order into every molecule of my self. With a bitter smile, it lets me easily experience the heavy burdens of anticipation and clinging. It makes me be nicer to myself through the thorny meditative path. However, I consider the reading of physical symbols in the context of deep humility towards the power of nature in the breath current to be essential. It gives me respect for the whispering receptivity and the powerful development of fidelity to myself. It leaves in me a subtle undertone of harmony with oneself without the feeling of loneliness. It helps me to roll away the wall made of the occasional feelings of the heaviness of being, and at the same time to be with what I (don't) have. All this teaches me to teach and not make others suffer through yoga & sound therapy. In the lessons, I break overExpandance, I acknowledge the spiral principle, I awaken the inner anatomical wisdom and thus the healing power of the inner sounds through the outer sounds. I support the fluidity transferred from the solid matter to the spongy substance. I show the inseparability of everything and everyone without separating the good and the bad. I emphasize thevariety and, above all, the fluctuation between these sharp lines. I intensely cheer the kind acceptance of the self in all shades on all levels of being.


The massive experience gained from teaching yoga and sound throughout the Czech Republic and beyond has driven me to anchored and opened up a space from which I continued (for six years) to sail and bring the whole world to one harbour called GrainSpace YOGA STUDIO.


I have published three book publications:


~ Perceiveng Beauty (poetry collection)

~ I can already see Sirius (poetry collection)

~ Backpack Yoga (yoga ~ poetic ~ educational book around the world for the most important, for children)

The written word is the biggest inspiration for me and therefore it is a great honor for me to become a part of the printed Czech and Irish magazines and other online platforms.

My thanks have no limits and I look forward to seeing you  <3

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