Jaroisin Doyle
Sound healing is offering a new choice to relax where we are getting second chances for anything we need here and now. Sound healing is kingdom where we go, when we need to tune to the rhythm. The state of resonance within the thinking body and cognitive mind is an expression of our health and vitality. Sound healing can help bring you back into balance and harmony.
There is nothing for you to do but to be the way you are right now at this precious moment. I will invite you to get yourself as comfortable as you possibly can and to use as many props to maximise your comfort. You might be seated up or lying down. You can use essential oils, candles (be very careful if you dozen of easily) or build an altar. Through very gentle focus on your breathing, my sedative voice and therapeutical instruments I will guide you through a journey of sound. Vibrational medicine will wash over you and through you taking you into another dimension as your entire body is balanced by the pure crystalline sounds.
You may experience nothing as everything. The relax state of our body is simply the most beautiful temple to live in. Through the Sound Journey your mind get decorated your temple by creating a gorgeous imagination. You thinking body and cognitive mind may deeply connect and wake up your intuition. You may have visions, emotional shifts, answered questions or pain relief. You might experience your mind wandering into places you didn’t want to go. Your opinion how did it go is not important. What is important that you try to develop this loyalty being here and now with yourself for yourself with everything that’s happening. During Sound Journey you nurture kindness to pamper any thought, feeling or emotion calling for your attention without questioning. Each repetition cultivates more flexible cognitive mind as thinking body where you are accepting unknown, seeing everything clear, relaxing into the present moment and developing courage to feel underlying emotions. This is not magic, this is a transformative process.
~ reduces stress and anxiety
~ your body releases the hormone oxytocin (love) and serotonin (happy)
~ boosts the immune system
~ helps with sleep disorders and nightmares
~ assists with lowering blood pressure and anger
~ the sound waves that ripple out draw your brain waves into theta and delta states which promotes deep relaxation
~ your body is tuned back to a state of balance and harmony
~ helps to calm overactive adrenals
~ brings your cells into energetic alignment
~ increases mental and emotional clarity
~ the body is essentially tuned back to a state of balance and harmony through use of healing vibrations and intention
I think it is more than important to think about your conditions we are attending honestly anything with.
Sound Bath is not advised if any of the following applies to you:
If you are not sure, do not hesitate to contact me.