Jaroisin Doyle
Poetry resonates in some people, in some, there is noise
Our world is our mind and our mind is nothing but sound.
If we want to change the world, we need to change our inner and outer sounds.
Did you know that the first sense that we developed was hearing? That's where it all begins. We hear and REACT.
In the body, the vibration of sound is easily measured. How can we “tune or untune” this frequency? By using awareness in our asana practice, we realise that overcrowding in our outer world really does not need to result in overcrowding in our asanas, either in number or in the size of the movements. The body needs movements that are conscious and in which the breath is (the best) agent. Breath is the cornerstone of sound. There is no breathless sound.
Conscious interconnection will eventually affect speech, not only in the art of being silent, but also in the art of telling what my inner strings are strumming on and giving them an external symphonic form sounding from an oral cave, perhaps without self-evaluation and, hence, others. The mind then becomes a platform of affection for changes that are sometimes bounded statically within the frame and their pattern repeatedly enters into meditation as a large mucus that envelops us and does not allow us to move, neither forward nor backward. Physiologically, the backward movement is thus healthy and the forward movement is even healthier. And the right tone can give it a skilful balance.
According to the the Yoga Sutra, sound can change the vrtti. Vrtti can be translated as intention, thought, consciousness. And I can only change what I am aware of, if I want to be aware of it :)
Personally, I get inspiration from teachers, whom I greatly value "just" because I feel their purity in learning what they live. For several days, I experienced a major sense of sharing with Nitya Mohan. Yes, that Nitya.
When Nitya entered the Yoga Shala, it happened immediately; it was happening before and actually, it is still happening - another of the many meanings of the word "organic“. She sat up, closed her eyes, put her hands together in the Anjali Mudra, took a breath, and I somehow couldn't follow her, but I didn't stop observing her. I took the opportunity to invite the present into this moment and, in this way, to experience it in every sense. She began to sing. Such subtlety, so much power, such wisdom, so much of everything I have never lived in a single moment. At first, I felt like angel dust was sprinkled on me and my skin was shimmering with bliss. I felt not only her, but the energy of the entire hall, which is with me; we are together, we are one. We are all one. It is beautiful. After literally the first word sung as I would wish to everyone in the present, a tear is falling down on my cheek and the others are in deep friendship with it. I can't believe how I believe. I am. I am one. I'm everything.
Those blissful days were set in a beautiful centre in the charming Irish town of Wicklow, a short distance from the sea, which you feel in the air. We enjoy delicious food from a local eco farm. The group is from around the world; I meet Canadians, Germans, Dutch, Norwegians, Americans. All have the same intention. Nitya. Sound. Mantras. I always enjoy being abroad. Everyone intersects with everyone and as we embody, we incarnate a little differently when we go home. Richer. It's healthy and so beneficial. One man attracts my eye. His body is decorated with perhaps thousands of characters ; his head is bare but his beard reaches his sternum. He is adorned in more jewellery than I, and his presence cannot be overheard in every sound he gives. And so, somehow, this eye-based magnetism will connect us after a few hours. I like its interior, just like the exterior, where the rawness resides in its playful coat. Splendour. We go on playing word ping pong. My breath is slipping and my voice falls, down to where my singing teachers from Prague taught me. My released sound is inspired by his! Wow. Suddenly, I am wrapped around him and he around me. The sentence runs through me in a moment: Mind has no gender. YES!! I wanted to wrap his voice in a snack napkin, take it home and eat it every day in a pinch. Humbly, but fully. This gives me the idea of how external sounds really can affect us.
Spreading the sound
I am literally a magnet for sounds now, because I enjoy them. I started from the inside. The sounds emitted by my thoughts and by those of my students, intertwined with emotions and feelings like internal vibrations. From this, I became obsessed with exploring how these sounds, whatever their frequency, respond to those outside sounds, and that there are so many around us. Difficult, as the poet would say. The mix has a span of hummingbird wings to an eagle. Studying sounds in connection with gender is not interesting for me. Somehow this separation is like dividing life into black and white for me. However, observing this shagginess, which is incredibly organic, is essential to my personal practice. Now. We sometimes do not realise how much we are surrounded by sounds; but notice the sound everywhere you are. It won't give us peace anywhere. In the doctor´s waiting room, in the shopping centre, during yoga lessons - loud, quiet, creeping, disturbing, luring. Have you ever seen what this outside noise is doing to you? How does your skin, your organs, your mind, your heart respond? How many of my students are disturbing the silence, because they discover how much restlessness can be there. The inner one. It's so fascinating. So I try and spread it myself. I spread the silence in which we resonate so that it becomes contagious and healing for every cell of our body.
If you have read this far, maybe there's something inside you that wants to resonate and be heard ... listen up.
Personally, I have the deep feeling that the more we immerse ourselves in the teaching of yoga and ourselves ABOVE ALL in the new tint, the more free we become; the more we extend the borders of our comfort zone, the kinder we are to ourselves and thus to the surroundings. We sharpen our own lives, thus what happens between good and bad.
First, find your own sound that will become healing for you. The sound of nature, the sound of a song, the sound of your voice, the sound of your living throbbing heart.
It is not at all important how much we know in yoga, but how much we are able to imprint into our practice.
Close your eyes for a moment, inhale consciously, and try to silently or loudly murmur MMMM, like a bumblebee on a flower. What happened? Maybe nothing. The rare nothing. MMMMs sound changed the frequency of your thoughts for a moment. And what if you try the proper mantra in the group :)
Allow yourself to marvel at your voice and like it is alive.